Call of duty black ops4

You might know that call of duty black ops4 came out on 10/12/18 it has multiplayer, zombies, and blackout. Blackout is a battle Royale game mode that hundreds of players fight each other to win first place in the game there’s vehicles in black out there’s helicopters, trucks, boats and quads the vehicles make it faster to travel far places the game is a first person shooter game and the game has good graphics and there’s different blackout modes like solo duos and squads for me i think the best mode is solo becuase if one of your teammates die then the enemy will have more people trying to kill you so solo is better becuase you only fight one person and not a hundred of people and when you land there is loot everywhere and if you have no loot you will die and there’s a storm which if your in the storm you will lose health and you might die becuase the storm will increase the damage every time it gets bigger. And in zombies you are a person and you start with a pistol trying to get into higher rounds which gets harder every time there’s 10+ zombies every round the max wave is 240 you get 150 points every time you kill a zombie and with points you could buy weapons from the walls or from a mystery crate there a chance to get the ray gun which is the strongest gun the thing that is hard in zombies is mini bosses/bosses because they are hard to kill and do a lot of damage that could almost one shot you. In multiplayer 


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